Individual flexibility agreements (IFAs) are becoming increasingly popular in the modern workplace, as they provide both employers and employees with greater flexibility in their working arrangements.

An IFA is essentially a written agreement between an employer and an employee that modifies the application of certain terms and conditions of an award or agreement. They are typically used to address specific work-related issues, such as the hours of work, overtime rates, or leave entitlements.

IFAs can be particularly useful for employees who require flexible working arrangements due to personal circumstances, such as caring for children or elderly relatives. They can also be beneficial for businesses that need to respond quickly to changes in market conditions or other external factors.

To ensure that IFAs are fair, reasonable, and comply with the relevant legal requirements, it is important to use a well-designed template that covers all the necessary elements of a valid agreement.

Here are some key considerations when creating an IFA template:

1. Identify the terms and conditions that will be modified: This should be done in consultation with the employee or employees concerned. It is important to ensure that the changes are reasonable and do not result in the employee receiving less than the minimum entitlements under the relevant award or agreement.

2. Specify the period of the agreement: An IFA should have a limited duration, typically no longer than 12 months. This ensures that the agreement does not become a permanent change to the employment conditions.

3. Include a mechanism for review: The IFA should be reviewed periodically to ensure that it is still meeting the needs of both the employer and the employee. This could be in the form of a regular scheduled review or triggered by certain events, such as changes in the employee`s personal circumstances or work requirements.

4. Ensure compliance with legal requirements: The IFA must comply with the relevant award or agreement, as well as any relevant legislation such as the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) or state-based employment laws. It is important to review the IFA with legal counsel to ensure that it is legally sound.

IFAs can be a valuable tool for both employers and employees, allowing for flexible working arrangements that benefit all parties. By using a well-designed template that covers all the necessary elements, IFAs can be implemented easily and effectively while ensuring compliance with legal requirements.